Тесты По Английскому Языку 9 Класс Кузовлев

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Grade 9 th «Music» Variant I. Read the text Madonna Madonna Louise Ciccone was born on August 16, 1958, in Bay City, Michigan.

  1. Скачать: Английский язык. Контрольные задания. Кузовлев В.П.
  2. Книги, учебники, решебники, ГДЗ, тесты и контрольные работы с ответами по английскому языку для 9 класса. Книги и учебники > Английский язык 9 класс.. Книга для учителя - Кузовлев В.П., Лапа Н.М. Английский язык. Контрольные задания - Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.

Madonna is one of the most successful artists in the history of popular music. No other female singer in music has been as successful over such a long time. At the age of five, Madonna lost her mother. Her father was extremely strict and always had her doing something productive. She was also the oldest daughter of eight, which gave her many responsibilities. When Madonna was twelve, she entered a local Catholic high school.

Подробные ответы, переводы и гдз по английскому языку (student's book) за 9 класс, авторов В.П.

After Madonna left school, she attended the University of Michigan on a dance scholarship, where the ballet school owner, Chris Flynn, taught her. After studying at the University of Michigan, Madonna decided to move to New York. She arrived in New York with thirty- five dollars, dance shoes and a bag full of tights.

She spent two years working hard at the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater. Madonna realized that she needed more than just dancing to have a career in this world.

Madonna started her own band, with her as the lead singer. Her first single “Everybody” was number three on the dance charts. Madonna’s first album entitled ‘Madonna’ was released in 1983 and won her millions of fans and invitations to be in movies. Her career had begun. Madonna not only had a career in singing she started her own clothing line called “Wazoo”. Madonna’s music took a new and controversial turn. Her new album “Like a Virgin” established Madonna as a popular artist.

In the early 1990s, Madonna’s career reached a new level. She had the hit songs: “Vogue,” “Hanky Panky,” “Justify My Love” “Rescue Me,” and “This Used to be My Playground” Her greatest hits album was entitled «The Immaculate Collection». In March 1998, Madonna released another album”Ray of Light”.

Madonna had also changed her look. She went from a bleach blonde girl to wearing black clothes and black hair. In December 2000 she married Guy Ritchie, a British film director. In 2002, Madonna starred in her husband’s film, “Swept Away” which did not do well at all. Today, Madonna continues to lead the pop charts. She leads in the music industry, she writes her own music and books. She is a great author, actress and musician.

DateGradeNameV I 2. Find in the text. Найдите в тексте. Имена прилагательные в превосходной степени сравнения 2.

Неличные формы глагола 3. Глаголы в пассивном залоге 4.

Примеры притяжательного падежа 5. Имена существительные и прилагательные, соответствующие теме «Музыка» 3. Give English equivalents to Russian words. Приведите английские эквиваленты следующих слов: 1.

Чрезвычайно строгий 2. Линия по производству одежды 3. Играть главную роль 5. Приглашения сниматься в кино 4. Indicate the numbers of passages where you find the information about.

Тесты По Английскому Языку 9 Класс Кузовлев

Укажите номер абзаца, в котором содержится информация. Singer’s parents 2. Her image 3.

Her first album 4. Her teacher 5. Her study 6.

Her career in cinema 7. Her first work 5. Give another title to the text. Озаглавьте текст иначе.

Тесты По Английскому Языку 9 Класс Кузовлев

6/ Choose the best answer She lost her mother at the age of a)7 b) 5 c) 12 She left a) Christian school b) ballet school c) Catholic school Her first album was a)Vogue b) Rescue me c) Everybody She married a) Chris Flynn b) Alvin Ailey c) Guy Rich She starred in the film a) Hanky-Panky b) Wazoo c) Swept Away Полный текст материала Проверочная работа по английскому языку по теме 'Музыка' в 9 классе (учебник В.Кузовлева) смотрите в скачиваемом файле. На странице приведен фрагмент. 2007-2018 'Педагогическое сообщество Екатерины Пашковой — PEDSOVET.SU'. 12+ Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ: Эл №ФС77-41726 от г. Выдано Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций.

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Итоговый Тест По Английскому Языку 9 Класс Кузовлев

ENGLISH-9 UNIT 1 TEST 1. Образуйте нужную грамматическую форму слова в скобках. Children and adults all over the world know and love Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. However, among the readers they are better 1) (KNOW) as the Brothers Grimm. Thanks to 2) (THIS) German scholars and authors who collected folklore, old fairy tales like Cinderella and Snow White became popular all over the world. The brothers were born in the late eighteenth century in the town of Hanau.

Sadly, 3) (THEY) father, who was a magistrate, died when the brothers were still young. Soon after that the family 4) (FALL) into poverty.

This event affected the brothers for many years. At university, Jacob and Wilhelm 5) (STUDY) philology and began collecting folk tales. The brothers believed that old folk 6) (STORY) represented a pure form of national literature and culture.

Popularizing the collected folklore tales has become their passion. Between 1812 and 1857, their collection of tales 7) (PUBLISH) many times, and grew from 86 stories to 200.

The popularity of the Grimm tales 8) (CONTINUE) today. People 9) (READ) them since childhood. However, some psychologists think some of the tales are too violent for young 10) (MAN). Прочитайте текст и определите истинность утверждений после него. Shakespeare “To be, or not to be, that is the question.” Surely, that is one of the most famous lines from any dramatic play ever written.

And of course everyone knows that the author of the line was William Shakespeare. Most scholars of Elizabethan literature agree that William Shakespeare wrote the plays and sonnets that are credited to him. But every now and then, a new essay or book is published that says it has proof that someone else, not Shakespeare, was the author of such classics as Romeo and Juliet, Othello, and Hamlet.

The people who challenge Shakespeare’s authorship are called anti-Stratfordians, a reference to Shakespeare’s birthplace, Stratford-upon-Avon. Doubting Shakespeare first became popular in the middle of the 19th century. By this time, Shakespeare had become an international icon; many said he was the greatest writer of all time. To some, this seemed unbelievable. Anti-Stratfordians argue that Shakespeare lacked the education and aristocratic experience needed to write plays like Richard III and Julius Caesar. Over the centuries, a number of important public figures have been persuaded by these arguments, including Mark Twain, Charlie Chaplin, and Sigmund Freud. The three most popular theories are that Shakespeare’s plays were written by a group of writers, or by another professional writer of the time, or by a member of the nobility who did not want his name associated with the theater.


This third theory is the basis for a 2011 movie titled Anonymous. This film argues that Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford, was the real author of Shakespeare’s plays.

The movie is full of intrigue and mystery, centered on a plot against Queen Elizabeth I. In order to save his son from execution, de Vere agrees to never reveal that he is the true Shakespeare.

The movie received mixed reviews from both film critics and audiences, and few were persuaded by the anti-Stratfordian theory. While few people really believe Shakespeare did not write his plays, there is new evidence that he did sometimes work with other authors. This was a very common practice at the time. Shakespeare was a practical businessman as well as theater artist, and co-writing his plays would have just been the smart thing to do. A) true b) false c) not stated. Everybody knows at least one line from Shakespeare.

Most intellectuals of Shakespeare’s time believed that he wrote all his works himself. All anti-Stratfordians are the people who were not born in Stratford-upon-Avon. It was only in the 19-th century when it became fashionable to doubt Shakespeare’s authorship. Charlie Chaplin and Mark Twain argued anti-Stratfordians’ point of view.

Of hundreds versions who could hide under the name of Shakespeare there are only three reliable. The plot of the movie Anonymous is centered around the intrigue of who the real Shakespeare was. There could be several authors who worked with Shakespeare on all his plays. Напишите ответ на письмо Сары.I like to read very much. Yesterday I read a very interesting book about unusual travels that I plan to use in my project. Where can you use information you get from books, if at all? What kinds of books do you like reading?

Where do you get the books you read? Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions. Write 50 - 70 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. ENGLISH-9 UNIT 1 TEST ОТВЕТЫ И БАЛЛЫ 1. 1) known 2) these 3) their 4) fell 5) studied 6) stories 7) was published 8) continues 9) have read 10) men Каждый верный ответ – 1 балл. Всего – 10 баллов.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 c a c a b c b b Каждый верный ответ – 1 балл. Всего – 8 баллов. Ответ на письмо оценивается по структуре, содержанию и языковому оформлению из максимума в 9 баллов.

ИТОГО: 27 баллов Перевод баллов в оценку: 25 - 27 баллов – “5” 16 - 24 балла – “4” 10 - 15 баллов – “3” менее 10 баллов – “2”.